
Being Zoltan Frizz

Very little is known about the recent "internet sensation" Zoltan Frizz except that he sits in front of the back four of Bylis Ballsh in the Albanian league and "makes nice plays". It seems that he may be Albania's first (and only) openly gay holding midfielder living, as he does, with his mercurial boyfriend Aleksander.

You can follow his twitter feed here and see his Wiki page here. Also see this excellent feature article from the web site Aston Villa Central.

But does he really exist?

The jury is out according to the respected Polish web site ZCuba:
"Wiadome jak na razie jest jedno - profil jest prowadzony dla jaj. Nie wiadomo z kolei jeszcze czy Zoltan Frizz to jedna wielka mistyfikacja czy te? zawodnik o tak oryginalnym nazwisku zainspirowa? jedn?/dwie/stado osób do tego dowcipu. A, i wiadomo jeszcze jedno - nam si? ca?kiem podoba."
Roughly translated this means:
Known as one-profile is for eggs. You do not know yet whether Zoltan Frizz rail is one great hoax or the runner with the original name of inspiring one/two/flock to barman. And, you know my-us quite like it.
The plot thickens...

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