

Advertising is a recurring theme on this. It confuses and confounds me equally at every turn.,

We started out with Centra's none more abrading "For The Way We Live Today". Centra is one of these expensive grocery shops that's close to you. You only go there when you've forgotten something or need to pick up some milk on the way home. This, apparently is how WE live today. That's what they're for.

And now there's a big advertising campaign on the radio for Centra's competitor MACE. For the little things you'll always forget especially at this time of year. But what's the point in advertising? If a MACE happens to be down the road from you you're hardly likely to bypass it, for that overlooked jar of Xmas mussels, and head to Centra "For The Way We Live Today" instead. Are you?

As it happens I physically needed some MACE for some pate I'm making. So I phoned up MACE. Ironically they had none.

(call may have been taped for quality assurance and training purposes)

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