
Orange Conundrum

You may consider this a matter or no importance and I might agree before adding that, if that's true, then the matter is very welcome on this blog. This blog's very raison d'être is to find a home, to love and care for, such matters. For if not here, where?

But what is the matter of which you speak?

The matter is this (and thanks for your patience) .

When I'm eating a tangerine (as I do at least twice per day) or a mandarin (I don't know the difference) and reach for the second half I find that it's never there.  It's already been gobbled. 

Now I'm not suggesting that someone is coming over to my desk and stealing it. I think that's unlikely although not impossible. More likely is that I've already eaten the second half before I reach to get it. 

Is this confusing? Bear with me. It's important (although obviously of no importance).

Now clearly I must have reached to get the second half a first time before eating it. But what I think is happening here (and this is merely a theory at this stage) is that, perhaps due to excessive juicyness, I've actually achieved some kind of internal tangerine/mandarin frenzy and have become completely blind to the fact that I've already reached for and eaten the second half. And, thus, end up reaching for an already eaten and therefore non existent tangerine/mandarin half.

And, worse, I do precisely the same thing with the second tangerine/mandarin. Another frenzy resulting in a futile search for a non existent second half.

Unless someone is coming over to my desk and stealing them...

1 comment:

JB said...

Yer mind's gone; a combination of old age, too much alcool and loud music