Watched two films on the plane.
Before I went to sleep, when I was drunk, I watched Ghost Town. This is the one where Ricky Gervais plays a misanthropic dentist who dies for seven minutes and can therefore see lost souls. For lost souls read dead people with unresolved bidness with shoomans. Generally I have to say it was pretty poor but it did have some brilliant moments and I laughed like a drain might laugh (if it could) on a good few occasions. As I said, I was drunk. Like my good friend Ageing Hipster I fear I may be over generous with my plane reviews. Due to drink.
Then I want to sleep. Fitfully, to say the least. They use zed's to indicate sleep don't they.
z zzzzz zzzzz zzzz zzz zzzzzzz zzzz zzz zz zzzz zzzz zz zz zzz zz z zzz
(The spaces show that the sleep was broken.)
When I woke up, and had a hangover, I watched Brideshead Revisited. I thoroughly enjoyed this. I am a bit of a sucker anyway for these period dramas but this was edgier than most and was about on a par with the extremely dipsomaniacal Withnail and I in terms of alcohol consumed. It was brilliantly acted and made. I can't pretend to understand these romantic male friendships which seemed to be all the rage back in those days but the poignancy of the relationship was not lost on me.
I'll make a note to ask one of my Indian friends to explain them to me.
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