Normally, when I go for a walk at lunchtime, I come back with something to tell you and today, sadly, is no exception.
Galway Hooker, a beer, according the Bridgestone Guide is the "Best in Ireland". That may well be true (very unlikely) but, if it is, that's not saying much. It's a race of (brewing) pygmies in this free state, unfortunately. I've had a few pints of the stuff over the years but never more than one at any sitting. It's a fizzy keg ale with concentrated opal fruits added for maximum fruitiness. Frankly, it's very poor indeed.
Friend of FTWWLT, Mcgenius, agrees with my analysis and (drunkenly) informs the Galway Hooker brewers of same on an annual basis. At the, optimistically named, Galway Beer Festival.
Anyway, what caught my eye today was the Galway Hooker van (pictured) which features what surely must be the lamest advertising slogan in brewing history.
How long did it take them to think that one up, I wonder? YUM YUM. Have you ever heard a beer drinker say that in celebration of a good beer?
(Assumes answer is resounding No)
Me neither. And another thing. If anyone ever did offer up a YUM YUM after drinking beer it certainly wouldn't be Galway Hooker they were drinking. Unless they preferred their beer to taste like Opal Fruits.
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