
Place Names

Perhaps, on ideological grounds, you could make a convincing case for changing the name of Pretoria to Tshwane but, frankly, I suspect you might be hard pushed. Black folks don't say Pretoria anyway. They have their own adaptation. Epitole or something. And only a arriviste fool would say Jo'burg. It's Jozi, apparently. Interestingly, there is no clamour to change the name of Soweto to anything. It's an abbreviation of South Western Township but, crucially, it sounds African. So it stays.

If there was a place called "Whitesonlyhere" then it should definitely be changed to something different.

1 comment:

mcgenius said...

Never mind Pretoria. I'm amazed that Eugene Terreblanche hasn't been forced to change his name to Eugene Nation-Arc-En-Ciel