Was out drinking last night. Catching up with an old mate who is forty-six.
But I think I should just stay in from now on though. The whole going out business isn't working out for me.
Nothing was right. I complained about everything. The choice of beer. I was forced to drink guinness which fucks up my system due to the chemicals. That creamy-foamy head is not naturally occurring, my friends.
But now I'm even complaining about unexpected stuff:
- The stools were too uncomfortable.
- The light was too dim.
- The tables too tabley.
Comme d'habitude I snuck off early. I jumped into a cab and apologised for my boozy breath. My driver congratulated me on my sense of decorum and then tried to heal me with some God. I told him that I had not been blessed with faith and that I envied him. He seemed satisfied with that so we listened to some Curtis Mayfield and got healed that way instead.
if your stools are uncomfortable, I'd cut down on the guinness. it's heavy stuff.
I recommend a nice glass of real ale with bits of bran floating on top.
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Thanks mate but there is no real ale in Ireland. Guinness is my life giving, life taking elixir..
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