In response to Christopher Hitchen's book:
God is not Great
The Archbishop of Canterbury has written a book called:
God is so Great
So that's one-all. We're no closer to knowing the truth.
Perhaps a famous agnostic will soon publish:
God might be Great
And then we'll be even more no closer to knowing the truth.
The Bish bases his argument on Dostoevsky, whose work runs rich on religious themes and ideas. The key ideas that Dostoevsky advanced were:
The necessity of faith as our only salvation in a non-rational world
The futility of basing our deepest convictions on anything else
Which I understand as:
Faith gives us something collectively to believe in and this allows us to endure when strange things happen.
What we needn't do, he seems to be saying, is actually believe in God. For therein lies madness. We must be content to believe in belief. Collective delusion for the greater good.
Rowen Williams seems like a decent, intelligent bloke. Is this really what he's saying?
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