

Twitter allows everyone and anyone to be a broadcaster. This clearly isn't always a good thing.

But you'd expect better from the likes of Graham Linehan (Glinner) than the kind of hysterical tw-utterances he's been tw-uttering today. You can read more about it here.

Here's what went down. He created a Twitter tag called WeLoveTheNHS#. I won't explain what a tag is (because I can't) but it's aka a hash. Anyway, judging by the ill informed BILE of his tweets he might as well have called the tag HowDareThoseYankeeRighWingWackJobsSlagUsBritsOff#.

Glinner says that "everyone has a story about the NHS helping them in some way...". (Presumably medically?) And therefore it's great and superb? Actually not necessarily.When we read on he does concede that it's not perfect. The issue this Irishman has is that only "us" Brits are allowed to criticise the NHS.

"Oooh, these rightwing wackjobs in the US lying about the NHS really gets my goat. The NHS isn't perfect, but it's better than the US system!"

"..it's like if you criticise your parents. You can do it but if someone else does it you will murder them."


Finally, just when you think things can't get any worse, things get plenty worse. He asks his great mates Stephen Fry and Jonathan Ross to help out against the evil American fascists:
@stephenfry @wossy hey guys, want to put your weight behind this? Let's help stop rightwingers in the US slagging off the NHS #welovetheNHS
Typically Gordon Brown, ever an eye for the main chance, jumped on the bandwagon too and offered his support. Our boy Glinner pooh poohed this though:

"Gordon Brown's Twitter was kind of embarrassing; it just sounded like political babble. He doesn't understand yet what Twitter is. It is the kind of platform where political cant can really be exposed under a very harsh light."

Oh Well then. Maybe someday Broon will understand what Twitter is. Perhaps Glinner might kindly explain what it is to all of us. Preferably without using the words cant and can next to each other.


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