
Dame Shirley Bassey

Maconie and Riley, on BBC Radio 2, the other night played the new song by Dame Shirley Bassey "The Girl From Tiger Bay". It's truly a stonking song and somehow Bassey manages to reign in her usual overblown vocal histrionics.
"I bought a ticket of a lifetime, There's no denying who I am"
Well quite.

Marc Riley said, can you imagine if the likes of Paul McCartney released an album under the name of Sir Paul McCartney. He's be absolutely crucified for being a pompous prick. But somehow, Dame Shirley Bassey seems ok.

I tend to disagree. Would be interested to hear the views of some of our Welsh readers. Taff?


john said...

That's a real title? I thought it was like a drag queen name.

musters said...

I dunno. But what's the view from the valleys?

Saw Modest Mouse last night. They were pretty good. I think.