
David Lynch and Weather

In case you didn't get a chance to read this interview, with the enigmatic film-maker, in which he discusses his strange passions, I've taken the liberty of providing this precis:
GW : Good Morning, David.
DL : Good morning, Ma'am.
GW : It seems to me that time, and it's inherent civility, is an important part of you're oeuvre?
DL : It's Thurs, Feb. 26, 2009.
GW : Indeed. But there's an underlying darkness to all your work, is there not?
DL : Here in LA, beautiful blue skies, golden sunshine, very still.
GW : Yes, I hadn't thought of it in quite those terms. You're work is often accused of lacking warmth. How do you respond?
DL : 52°F, 11°C.
GW : But it's constantly evolving, changing, no?
DL : Yes, 48°F 9°C.
GW : What do you have up your sleeve next, David?
DL : RAIN. Lots and lots of RAIN.
GW : How do you respond to your detractors. Some people think you're willfully obscure...
DL : Let a smile be your umbrella.
GW : Wonderful, wonderful. Thanks David.
DL : Thank you too. It's a very special day.
For more of the wit and wisdom of David Lynch, check out his Twitter page.

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