
Day Light Savings Fun

After a dinner of Moroccan-style lamb shoulder with cous-cous and roasted aubergine, I took the kids out for a spin on their bikes. Some other kids came out and, soon, there were several games going on including shove-piggy-shove, spin the skipping rope and tea party with "Hetty". A couple of kids had even started a business called "Dog School Supplies" and were dropping leaflets through doors. 

All great fun and various articles (including furniture) were brought from the house in order to facilitate the games. You can't just make up games using thin air. Props are required.

I looked at my watch. It was 7:30pm. Still not dark. A joy to the see the kids having so much fun. Here I was socialising with neighbours, getting lashings of fresh air when, normally, I'd have been slumphed on the couch finishing the wine and watching Antiques Roadshow. It sure was fun but as we trooped in half an hour later, supper and bed-time still to be negotiated, I thought:
I can't wait for the dark nights again. 

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