
Mujava again

With the exception of the first and last tracks, the intro and the outro (which sound like some kind of mentalist shanty babble to my uneducated ears), my new Mujava cd is magnificent.

I've been listening to it on the way to work and on the way back to the hotel. Or visa-versa, if you prefer. It fits my journey precisely. That's with the shanty-babble skipped.

Again, it's magnificent. 

It contains elements of West African rhythm, drum'n'bass, house, garage, front-porch and who knows what else. Each track leads into the next without interval and creates a themed whole where each part is similar but subtly different. The overall effect is a sweeping Mahler-esque soundscape which manages to achieve a distinct flow despite taking many a windey detour.

It's a fine piece of work. I'm really getting the benefit of only having a couple of cd's that I'm listening to properly on rotation. I'm heading back home soon to the complicated, hopeless life of having thousands of cd's that I won't properly listen to. 

There's a lesson in there somewhere.

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