It's been a kind of blue day so far. Insofar as that's possible in a top class hotel anyway.
The pool is kind of blue. The sky is awful blue and me, I'm just trying my best to fit in with the general mood. Why rock the boat? But don't you go worrying about me. You have enough of your own problems. The thing with the thing!
Anyway, lying by that blue pool, which is only blue due to the blue sky reflecting 'pon it, I listened to Kind of Blue. What I find amazing is that anyone, even you, can simply call upon Kind of Blue whenever you want. If you want to.
This is the line up:
Miles Davis - trumpet
John Coltrane - tenor sax
Bill Evans - piano
Cannonall Adderley - alto sax
These great jazz immortals are all dead now but can be brought back to life via the play button. To spend an hour in the company of these cats playing their thymoleptic, sizzling music is a simple but intense pleasure. The most amazing thing about this album, more than any other jazz album, is how distinct you can hear each player but, equally, how seamlessly the overall sound comes together.
The sound of Spring, New York, 1959. WRIT LARGE.