

Oh this has gone too far! 

Why are people so easily offended? Jeremy is just being Jeremy.  

When he describes a truck drivers' typical day as,

"Change gear, change gear, check mirror, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear, murder prostitute"

...he's simply being Jeremy. That's why people love him, isn't it?

Clarkson, ahead of the curve as usual, was merely firing his razor-sharp pomposity pistol at all you idiots who are continually perpetrating this unfair urban myth. 

"Won't you stop already with the truck-driver/prostitute thing!!!", our hero is saying when he brings it up casually on his tv programme.

And even if truck drivers do in fact kill prostitutes on a daily basis, if anything it only shows just how bloody difficult it is to drive a truck. Work is hard enough already.

So what's the problem?

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