
Cheerio Cheerio Cheerio

Most normal adults, 'cept p'haps soft headed ones who checked their taste buds in the luggage hold of their early teens, don't really eat cheerios any more.

I do. I eat them all the time. Never, ever out a bowl with milk tho'. I just had seven or eight straight off the top of our bed. On the way downstairs I found another three on the landing. As I removed the sofa cushions from the 'Wendy House' I found another brace. I'm sitting here typing and look! here are one, two, three, four more 'pon the side of the fruit bowl.

My choice is this. I collect them up and throw them in the bin. Or I take the easy option and throw them in my mouth. I take the easy option. It's not ideal but it's quite easy. 

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