
Paint 'pon Banister

I remember, over three years ago, having Christ'mas drinks in the famous Crane Bar, drinking bottles of Guinness and discussing this shoddy piece of workmanship. The craic was ninety and the drinks were flying that afternoon. I don't recall being in the company of a more raggle-taggle bunch of losers, boozers and jacuzzi users before or since. 

We talked of many things that day and for a few blessed hours at least we put the world bang to rights. We applied absolute clarity to all matters which came to that rickety old, beer stained table. But it all kept coming back to this. This shambolic piece-of-shit paintwork kept tapping at the pub window demanding our attention. Like an alcoholic poet on payday it just refused to quit that place. And ultimately it got it's way and ruined the inebriated beauty we'd created with it's careless slapdashery. 

And here we are more than three years later and still, each workday, it taunts me. I just took this photo of it [1] and thankfully no-one saw me. Taking a picture of some shoddy paintwork 'pon the banister of the office stairs would be very hard indeed to justify.

[1] please do not click on this photo as it becomes bigger and the sheer awfulness becomes even more apparent.

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