
Half and Half

There's very little more improving in life than spending the day with your children. Or, even better, mine own. And none more better than today. Sunday!

We rose early and played Spotify for a while. Then we went for a walk on the bikes. Such fun! After brunch which is a mixture of breakfast and lunch, we played games.

We brought the boat into the house and had a game of "boats". Then we went over to the desk, which is a fucking disaster, and played "desks". After a quick round of "push piggy shove" and "Number 1o to Garboldishham" we settled down and had a game of "lighting the fire". Such fun. It's hard to express how much I love my children.

Then, at 3:45 I phoned my my neighbour Niall. Normally we do "half and half". I asked him where he, and much more importantly, his children were. He claimed he was at a family Christening. I was furious. I told him that under no circumstances must he take his kids away for the day again.  

Such selfishness!

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