
Hospital Cleaner Story

My Mum told me that the cleaner had worked in the hospital for 42 years. She's 72 now and still going strong.

She always walks in straight lines and God help you if you get in her way. She doesn't like visitors much but seems to thole us somewhat. We were waiting in the corridor last night while my Dad was being prodded and poked at. She walked straightly passed us and we dodged her left and right. Then she turned back and said:

My husband was out for a walk last night. He met a man with a dug.

My Mum and I looked at each other blankly. Perhaps 42 years cleaning the hospital had got the better of her. But she continued:

He asked what the dug was called? 
Blacksmith? That's a funny name for a dug. Would he make me a sneck fur ma gate?
If ye keep looking at him like that, he'll make a dart fur yer arse!

Then, off she went, cackling to herself, pushing her trolley along the corridor like a tram.

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