
More Wee Orange

Thanks so much to everyone who wrote in about spooky wee orange. It means a lot to all of us, it really does.

The response was overwhelmingly in favour of spooky wee orange and most people felt that he'd been harshly treated (by me). One correspondent want so far as to call me a "fruit fascist". This view was shared by many people in my office, some of whom refused to eat even a segment of spooky wee orange.

So it seems I am wrong. Far than being spooky, spooky wee orange is, in actual fact, cute. Everybody loves him. Even I have learned to overcome my fear. Here he is perched 'pon my monitor watching me work.
Best of all he's started to make friends with his own kind. Here he is frolicking with some bigger oranges.

I plan to bring in another spooky wee orange tomorrow. I'm after eating that one up there!

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