
Oh Sit Down

Can someone tell me this (and tell me no more)?

Why do people wait in a queue to get on a flight? Is it so very important to get a specific seat?

Last night, our flight was delayed [1] and people waited in line, standing up like that, for about an hour. I just sat down and read my book, like that.

When the flight was called I simply mooched up and joined the end of the queue. People looked at me like I was cheating or something. I'd joined the end of the queue.

Very strange indeed!

[1] Ryan Air did their best to redress this by checking no passports,  going ludicrously fast and then banging the plane down thumpishly 'pon the Edinburgh runway.


ageing hipster said...

I do this, though not usually for an hour. It's because I usually have a bag with me and because, while I don't mind standing, I really hate queuing. I would rather stand for ten minutes to get on the plane first, walk down the aisle quickly, find locker space easily and get settled in to my comfy economy seat than spend 15 minutes mobbing down the gantry thing in the ghastly press of humanity and onto and down the plane only to have to fight for elbow room and luggage space when I got to my seat.

However, when I have been unencumbered by luggage I have indeed taken the Musters route.

I really hate when I follow this strategy though, and they decide they're going to board business first (unless I am myself elevated above scum for the day) or row-by-row ... saying that, I've never been turned back when wandering up with any kind of ticket in my greasy mitt...

musters said...

I don't really care if there's no space for my bag. People have usually packed the overhead badly anyway so I'll normally pick up their carefully laid flat jacket or glass swan and moosh it up in any space that my newly placed bag happens to have left. I'd have no hesitation in doing the same to you.

ageing hipster said...

Imagine if that was your best hacking jacket or ornamental parachutist though...

musters said...

Why would I take my ornamental parachutist on a plane? It's in the vestibule.