
Cold Turkey

This morning, my three year old dotter, was very tired. She said to me:

(can't do the accent)

"I'm tired. I wish it was bed time".

I think this every morning. I love my bed and I spend the entire day longing to climb into it. Sleep is a great thing. It's just the vast hinterland in between that I struggle a bit with.

But this is the first time she has expressed this sentiment. Youngsters should bound out of bed with an absolute lust for life and immediately wake up their parents. This is what she normally does.

I fear we may be to blame. During our trip to Seattle she developed something of a coffee habit. It's not entirely our fault. It's not exactly mandatory for kids to drink coffee over there but it's certainly frowned upon socially. If you're walking about the streets and your kids are not carrying a 'baby- cino' cup people look at you funny. We didn't want her to feel like an outsider.

But back here in Ireland it's illegal for kids to drink coffee. So she's gone cold turkey. It's a harsh lesson but I think she'll benefit from it.


ageing hipster said...

Sleep is great. People should be encouraged to sleep more. In fact, establishments should be set up which would allow people to sleep away their entire lives, with perhaps a little time spent reading and listening to the radio in doze mode. It would consume so few resources that I'm amazed the government and the green lobby haven't thought of it already. I'd sign up straight away.

musters said...

Apparently though religious studies have shown that people who sleep less, live longer.

ageing hipster said...

Though maybe it just seems that way, LOL!