
In Bruges

Here are some well known strap lines from famous movies that I found on the fishin' net:

"The Fiery Cross of the Ku Klux Klan" - The Birth of a Nation 
"A Monster Science Created - But Could Not Destroy!" - Frankenstein 
"The strangest story ever conceived by man." - King Kong 
"Only the rainbow can duplicate its brilliance." - The Adventures of Robin Hood
(that one clearly needed work)
"From the Moment they met it was Murder!" - Double Indemnity 

But here's my favourite. A copy of this movie was left lying on the stairs in my house this morning. I stood on it, slipped and fell down the stairs. I picked up the dvd furiously, about to give it a piece of my mind. But then I saw the strap line and gave it a hug instead.

In Bruges - It's in Belgium.

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