
Human Shield

The debate always go like this.

How can you justify bombing civilian areas, indiscriminately killing women and children?
We are bombing strategic targets. Hamas are using women and children as human shields.

How can you justify using women and children as human shields?
We are not. This was a school. They have killed 50 people.

I don't want to hear another debate like this. It's pointless. We had the same debate during the Lebanese crisis in 2007. It goes on and on and you can see both sides and you know both are lying and telling the truth. 

Here's the thing. If Hamas are using women and children as human shields then the Israeli's should not be bombing them.

I hope this has clarified the issue. Any other questions don't hesitate to call.


mcgenius said...

I disagree. Shoorely you only need to stop and think twice about bombing schools and hospitals if you actually give a fuck.

Israel quite clearly doesn't give a fuck.

They have taken a clear line that says "We will bomb the fuck out of you until either you tell the people in charge to change their policies, or until such times as there aren't enough of you left to be a threat."

The only way to make them think again is to go "Right back atcha!", bomb the shite out of their wimmin and children, and see how they fecking like it.

But that too requires that you don't actually give a fuck. And so it continues...

musters said...

I was only trying to help the Israelites by explaining that they should give a fuck.

I know for a fact that I have several Israelite readers. Anna Lithgow told me.

themusiclist said...

It's neither in the interests of Hamas or the Israeli state to stop. They both get support through this action.

It was ever thus. The state of Israel has spent 60 years building from Plan D.

It's inconceivable to some to follow any other line than the forced removal of people who clearly don't belong in it's state.

It's inconceivable to some to follow any other line than the right to defend themselves from invaders. (which is international law, btw).

I wonder which sentence best describes which side?

Israel will never stop. Neither will Hamas.

It's equally balanced. Apart from the military might. It was ever thus. 60 years and no change.