

Listening to the radio in the car I heard the most annoying advert ever. It was for DAB Radio.

This condescending woman asked archly,

Would you spend hours defrosting a chicken when you could simply pop it in the oven?
No, I would spend hours doing other things while the chicken defrosted.

Not content with my response she went on:

Would you light a fire in the centre of the living room when you could simply switch on the central heating?
No, but I might light a fire in the fireplace.

She persevered with this absurd line of questioning.

Do you have a DAB radio yet?
No, they don't feckin work in Galway.

She then lost the plot, in my humble opinion.

You don't have a DAB radio yet! Do you use a quill to write with?
A quill! Ha, ha. That's good. Quill. Excellent. Quill. Haaahaaa.

A quill. No.

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