

Coming home tonight there was more than the usual Tuesday night gathering of prostitutes demanding sex. It felt more like the Monday crowd in fact.

I tried to sneak past them by hiding in some long shadows but one evil looking one (the leader if I'm not mistaken) saw me and immediately demanded, not sex, but details of what I was carrying.

"A book", I told her.
"Which book?", she demanded.
"The Book Thief", I told her.
"Did you steal it, Baba?", she asked, slyly.
"No, I did not steal it", I said, tears welling. 

I looked her in the eyes and told her angrily that the title of the book was The Book Thief. That didn't mean anyone had stolen it. I may have called her a harlot.

She looked away from me in disgust. Not even bothering to demand sex.

What is the world coming to!

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