

A tremendous Christ'mas dinner, a right boozy do.

The crumbling beauty of Havana perfectly evoked.

Then retire to the sit oot-erie for port and Mamma Mia.

Mamma Mia, the difference between men and woman. WRIT LARGE.

Up very early for flight to Seattle. My wife said:
What do you want to do in Seattle?

Jump on a flight to Austin, I replied.

I was only jokin'. We get few a few scrapes.


ageing hipster said...

Watched Mama Mia last night, fortified with gammon and dauphinoise potatoes, christmas puddding and Madeira. Full of Christmas spirit, in fact. Much good it did me, or the fillum in question though, because, readers, I fucking hated it. Keywords: relentless, exhausting, 'like being stuck in the middle of a hen party for two hours, and not in a good way'.

Regarding the gender divide, I can confirm that Mrs Hipster and the Hipster fille were similarly appalled and repulsed. The latter thought the pop-eyed heroine resembled a particularly unappealing chihuahua - a good call I felt.

Saying that, it was a lot better than the shameful 'Royle Family' on Christmas Day, and we all thought the scenery was nice.

Compliments of the season to you, Jill and the family Ramsay! Here's to a prosperous 2009 LOL.

musters said...

Gammon? Are you in full possession of sureness in this regard?

Thanks for your thoughts old mate but one small thing. Could you desist from using my given name 'pon here?

I'm just after calling the fucking pope a fascist after all. You have to be very careful with all these murderous pro-lifers running loose.