
Going Forward

Thankfully, most sensible people have stopped saying "going forward". It took a while for this irritating neologism to fall out of favour but I think we're nearly there.

People still want to say it. You can feel it coming as they babble bullshitishly but usually they can just about check themselves and say "in the future" instead.

Unfortunately, though, we now have everyone saying "in the future", unnecessarily, when it's patently obvious what the tense is.


ageing hipster said...

It's nearly fallen out of favour all right, but only because it's slowly being replaced by the none-more-gittish qualifier 'on a go-forward basis'. Look out for it.

musters said...

I might stick this in an email to see if the earth continues to revolve around it's axis. I once stuck "going backwards" (meaning in the past) into an email and no-one batted an eyelid.