
Talk Talk

You can talk and talk. And talk and talk.

(If you want...)

You can put the world to rights and (rarely) find an unexpected hidden truth or a drink sodden mot juste.

All you do is Talk Talk.

It's not hidden!

Conversation between real people is a fickle mistress to be absolutely sure.

Here's the thing...

You'd be just as well watching "The King And I" and be together that way. A quiet, beautiful companionship.

I'm saying. Don't talk so much.


ageing hipster said...

Why is it easier to talk by mail than in person, though, even with old friends? Is that a guy thing?

And why, when you are sharing common meatspace (sorry, came across this appalling expression just before New Year and am running it out here and there for laughs) is it easier to talk when the TV is offering mild distraction - in the form of a dull or inconsequential football match, or film, or once of those endless list programmes (three hours of Channel 5's '2008's Most Annoying People' and a bottle of malt makes for some great conversation in my recent experience)

Blythe said...

Some people seem to enjoy banging on and on to each other. Some can even do it without a drink. Mostly wimmin tho, yea. Or gays.

mcgenius said...

That would imply that lesbotics (wimmin + gay) would be the chattiest of all people. I've never found that to be the case though.

Or mibbe it's fancying blokes that turns you into a chattering fool.

Yeah, that must be it.